
Parents Zone

New mothers are physically and emotionally exhausted, and their husbands have two simple tricks to help them relieve their emotions

Written by Chinese Doctor Yiu Yee Chiu It is not easy t…

Keep crying when going to school. How to reduce the dependence of 

children on their parents? Written by: Pang Chi Wah, Re…

What should we do if a child is having a tantrum?

Written by:Dr. Hui Lung Kit, Psychiatry Specialist Many…

小朋友扭計瞓地 要如何處理?

撰文:精神科專科許龍杰醫生 很多家長都試過有這樣的經驗:帶小朋友出外遊玩,原本一家人心情愉快,小朋友也玩得盡興…

新手媽媽身心俱疲 丈夫簡單兩招幫手舒緩情緒

撰文:姚怡超中醫師 要建立健康快樂的家庭並不容易,先說當母親的,由懷胎十月開始,準媽媽就要面對內外的變化如外形…

返學喊唔停 如何減低幼兒對家長的依賴?

撰文:新領域潛能發展中心註冊教育心理學家彭智華 開學季節,總會在學校門口聽到淒厲的哭聲,小朋友不願離開父母獨自…


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